In [1]:
import irtk
patient_id = '2159'
img = irtk.imread( patient_id + "_img.nii.gz" )
seg = irtk.imread( patient_id + "_seg.nii.gz" )
In [2]:
from IPython.html.widgets import interact, interactive, fixed
from IPython.html import widgets
from IPython.display import display
def f(z,y,x):
display( irtk.imshow(img,seg,index=(z,y,x)) )
interact( f,
x=widgets.IntSliderWidget(min=0,max=img.shape[2]-1,step=1,value=img.shape[2]/2) )
The sliders disappear when the notebook is saved as HTML, here are some hints for preserving the interactivity through JavaScript (though this is probably not the best approach for an image viewer).
Ideally, a medical image viewer integrated within the IPython notebook would use XTK, but there is still works to be done before it provides a working solution, see github/fperez and github/richstoner for proofs of concept.